Monday, April 04, 2005

wisdom teeth surgery uncensored, part 1

Any mistakes I'm making by writing this blog can be referred to the fact, that I'm writing it with just one finger of my right hand - in my left hand I'm holding an ice pack to my right cheek. Continously the painkillers are not working anymore, so I've to take some more quite soon.

Alright, here's the course of events today:
  • 7 am - I'm woken up by our telephone at home - somebody wants to talk to Dr. Assmann - haha.
  • 8 am - I'm woken up by our telephone at home - somebody wants to talk to Dr. Schachinger - haha².(both got nearly the same telephone number as we have)
  • 9 am - I'm woken up by my grandma (what the hell is she doing in my room?)
  • 10 am - I finally get up, couldn't sleep anymore - thanks to the persons mentioned before
  • 10.40 am - I leave the house and head straight towards hell, the doctor for oral and maxillofacial surgery
First thing that I had to do there after arriving - taking some painkillers. Started very nice and promising. After that I had to fill ou some personal data and information, e.g. if I'm suffering from heart illnesses or if I have any allergies. After that I was x-rayed from the medical assistant (its always nice to stand around with that plumb-thingie around my chest). This was followed by some gossip with the doctor, he had to tell me some legal stuff and how the process of taking out my wisdom teeth would be achieved. We agreed to take out only my right wisdom teeth (one from the lower jaw, one from the upper jaw), the other ones follow within the next two or three weeks.

After that I got a local anesthesia in my mouth - executed by six or seven injections from a large needle - fun! As soon as it worked and my mouth was numb, the doctor started to work around the first tooth in the lower jaw (his two female assistants were talking about "Krautfleckerl" in the middle of the while) by scraping it off at first. This was followed by the usage of some over-dimensional dental drill. At last he bent it before taking it out with his gripper. Because this surgery leaves a usual wound, he even had to sew if afterwards with some mint-green fibre. Then he moved over to the tooth in the upper jaw. He took his gripper and simply took him out, without using any other means.

The most important fact - I survived!!!!! After the surgery (it lasted for about 20 minutes) I was sent to some relaxation room, then they called my dad who was picking me up afterwards. At least I don't have any pain until right now, but as already mentioned in the very first sentence, the local anesthesia is slowly losing its impact, so I have to go now and take the painkillers and the antibiotika!

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