Thursday, April 28, 2005

the devil of toothache

What a grace of nature! Right now I've got toothache again, this time not descending from my wisdom teeth (the ones remaining), but from the right premolar in the lower jaw. About two months ago I have bitten off a piece of it by eating some cake [watch out doing this!]. That event has produced caries and in succession a small but unpleasent hole which is aching for two days now. Even had to take painkillers yesterday in the night before going to bed (fortunately I had some left from the wisdom teeth surgery last month). The morale of that story? Have to go to the dentist tomorrow in the morning, very much earlier than expected (as mentioned earlier in this blog, I do not "like" dentists that much).

What else can I tell you? Have had a nice but very long lasting exercise today, topic was practical data mining. We worked with SAS, the market leader concerning business ETL data mining tools.

SAS is the leader in business intelligence and analytics.
Our software answers strategic business questions no one else can – enabling you to control costs, drive revenue, achieve capital efficiency and lead with confidence. (taken from

Quite funny programme, some mixture of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) programme and a classical statistics programme like SPSS. Companies pay thousands of euros/dollars for using it to optimize such things as reporting, OLAP, integrated analysis, visualization and MS office integration. Errh, maybe I should move over to another topic.

We (= when I'm talking of "we", it's the SV Ried) are still on top of the table of the so-called Red Zac Erste Liga. The game on Tuesday ended with a satisfying 3-1 win in Leoben/Styria. But what tension of my nerves again. There was a real //crowd// in the Ried-channel in the ASB, because the game was nor shown on TV neither many people took a ride to the far-away playground. More than 380 postings later I waited for the goals to be shown - but - in the first moment it seemed that there had been no TV station to catch moving pictures of the match. Alright, the goals (and really ONLY the goals) have been shown on ATV+ yesterday, better than nothing.

What else can I say - I've got five days off now, it seems that our lecturers are some kind of bored of our presence at the FH. To be honest - it doesn't bother me!!! Weather forecast is talking of some nice pre-summer-weather during the whole weekend, so I gotta take my bermudas and short sleeved t-shirts out of the cupboard. Right now I'm gonna take a relaxing and persevering full bath. See you all soon (:

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