In March I have been to England, watching the football match between Wigan Athletic and my favourite club Manchester United. Here you can find a travelouge from this short trip. Underneath you find a picture of mine (it was awfully cold this day, around 10C° with heavy winds) in front of the grandstand of the JJB stadium in Wigan, Greater Manchester.
In May we were celebrating our 5th final-exams-anniversery. Therefore me and Lisa organized a cosy meeting at the Kellerbräu in Ried. All but two former guys (one was on holiday, the other seems not to like us anymore) came, even two former teachers (religion and Italian) found their time to join us this evening. It was a very nice evening where many memories were shared again. *Sniff*, we have become old...
In the very beginning of June (on the 2nd of June) my best (female) friend was celebrating her 23rd birthday in Steyr. This was surely one of the most entertaining evenings in my whole life. I think I got to bed at about 8.15 AM the next day, slept for one hour or so and then got woken up by some other guys again. Don't ask me what I'm thinking about on the picture, it was already late. Maybe I was thinking about cutting my hair short again. Well, that's already done. Aww, yes - the other person on the picture is the lovely birthday girl.
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