Saturday, May 14, 2005

I take the pledge - at least for some hours

I feel sick, both mentally and physically. I was on the booze now (reference to Bobby Moore: "Win or lose, always on the booze!") for two successive evenings. Spent nearly 100 Euros hard earned cash (ha-ha) on drinks like beer, vodka-lemon, cola-rum and some other alcoholics I cannot remember. But it's somehow merited, because I managed to get overcome the oral exam vulgo examination and had to celebrate my team's sixth successive win.

Yes, we won the game against Leoben in an impressive way by the score of 3-0. The stadium was nearly sold out as predicted, 7000 spectators saw a clear win by our team. After the game I was almost involved in a fight between Austrians and Turks. Stood near those people and suddenly got hit a little bit by a backsliding guy. Did not hurt myself, but it's afflicting that racial problems still involve our everyday lives. Connected with alcohol, oral conflicts are very likely to exaggerate in a negative way, which means physical violence. Afterwards we realized that it had not been that bad as it had looked like in the very first moments. But it's still stupid to see such occurings.

Another interesting topic I read today in the internet.

Nationalrat beschließt neues Mediengesetz

Der Nationalrat hat Donnerstagabend einstimmig eine Novelle zum Mediengesetz verabschiedet. Kernpunkt ist, dass die einzelnen Bestimmungen des Gesetzes auch auf das Internet bzw. andere elektronische Medien angewendet werden können. So wird etwa klargestellt, dass auf einer Website Gegendarstellungen veröffentlicht werden müssen, wenn diese über die Darstellung des persönlichen Lebensbereichs des Inhabers hinausgeht und deren Informationsgehalt geeignet ist, die öffentliche Meinungsbildung zu beeinflussen. Neu ist gemäß Gesetz weiters, dass Medien künftig nicht mehr beschlagnahmt, eingezogen bzw. zu einer Urteilsveröffentlichung verpflichtet werden können, wenn sie die Äußerung eines Dritten gerechtfertigt und wahrheitsgetreu wiedergegeben haben.

What does it mean for ordinary people like you and me? Is the expression of my very intimate thoughts an action of exposition of public information? For example, if I said that I disliked a several persons, would that mean that I can get fined therefore? Is it another step to realize the topic of books like Orson Welles' 1984 or Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451? Some might say that it's just a guard for innocent people, some might say that it harms a person's human rights, some might say that they do not care at all. The truth probably lies in between, at least I hope so. Gotta watch some football now, cannot think of any other topics worth discussing now.

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