But now back to topic, as I mentioned before that this posting would TOTALLY be dedicated to SP. Next Sunday (October 15th) SP will be coming to Vienna and will be playing a gig in the Vienna Arena. Initially they should have featured at the Frequency Festival in August, but since the band was touring the United States back then, this was impossible and the gig in October during their current European tour was agreed.
Their songs are highly melancholic and melodic at the same time, and the lyrics are simply beautiful and you start thinking about them. I like to hear SP best whenever I go running, especially in autumn/winter when it's getting cold and dark outside pretty soon. Why? Because it perfectly matches my mood then most of the time. You want to have an example? Well, alright, the following part of the lyrics of Spitting Games (2004) amazingly described my "relationship" to a girl for some time:
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why
I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies
I struggle for the words and then give up
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why
I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies
I struggle for the words and then give up

It starts full of verve, gets melancholic then and after a romantic part maybe their best known songs, "You're all I have" and "Run" make up the end of the concert.
The encore seems a bit halfhearted to be, since those two songs are not very outstanding within their repertoire if you ask me. But criticising a concert before even attending it? That's not in my mind. Last but not least, some sort of appetizer from their new album, "Chasing Cars", embedded from YouTube.com:
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