Right now I'm sitting right in front of my screen (what a sensation!), waiting for the next WSOP 2006 episodes to be successfully "transferred" to my computer. Last weekend we sit out at the Rieder Wirt, playing hold'em for about three hours before we went to the football match. Afterwards we went to Hafner's, playing it for another three hours. In total, I won 13,5€ this day - not that bad. It's funny, it brings people together and maybe makes you (a little bit) richer. Wonderful occupation. Yesterday in the evening I finished reading my poker book mentioned below. Pure theory, which has to be converted into practical know-how. But that will take a lot of hands played online and on livetables...
Until the WSOP episodes finish, I am listening to the new Mando Diao album with a lot of interesting songtitles like "Welcome home, Luc Robitaille", "Killer Kaczyinski" or "Good Morning, Herr Horst". Pure rock'n roll, whereby I'm glad that I have already attended a concert of the band in November 2006 in Vienna. Really never ever sweated that much like on this evening at the Gasometer. Afterwards I went to a party where some friends of mine already had been. One pal unsuspectingly touched my t-shirt - I had been wearing during the concert I hung over the radiator to get dry - and asked me if it had been raining - well, the answer was no and he was a little bit disgusted then, hehe.
Wishing? Well I wish that my job interview next Friday will be successful and I can start working soon. In the beginning I've been enjoying something like the last holidays in my life pretty much, but lately it gets a bit boring since university starts again and autumn enters central Europe slowly but inevitably. Going back to Salzburg also opens up many possibilities like going to cinema whenever I want to.
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